Shagged: A Billionaire Romance Read online
Page 13
She gasped and pushed back against his hand, her body practically begging for more of the delicious friction.
His lips pressed up against hers again and he unzipped his jeans, releasing his swollen cock she remembered all too well.
He looked around in both directions. “We’ll have to be quick out here. I’ll take my time with you later.” Matty slid the head over the top of her clit, which coaxed a moan out of her. Then he smacked it a few times on top of her.
“Fuck.” This time she cooed even louder. He felt amazing.
He knew how to tease her just right, like he’d studied her damn body his entire life. How did he do that?
He leaned back upright, and yanked her by the legs, spreading her simultaneously. It was rough and powerful, and she could see in his face how fiercely he wanted her.
He teased her once more, pressing the head of his cock right up to her pussy.
“God, give me that dick already.”
He pressed her legs back toward her shoulders with both hands, seemingly lifting her ass from the hood of the car. Then he let go with one hand and popped her right on the ass cheek.
“When I’m good and fucking ready, love.”
“Jesus.” Her head flew back onto the car, and she relished the stinging pleasure that radiated through her hips and legs. Maybe she should talk more shit to him? Get him really nice and fired up. There’d be a lifetime for her to test out that scenario, though. Right now, she just needed his hard dick inside her.
She lifted her hips as he guided himself in and hooked her legs behind his back. She dug her heels into his ass, trying to pull him deeper, but it really wasn’t necessary. His hips quickly sped up until he was pounding into her, and she was screaming his name toward the forest off in the distance.
He was everything she wanted.
It didn't matter that this wasn't the right way to do things. It didn't matter that it was so soon, or so sudden. It worked for them, so why fight it? She’d always tried to plan her life out and it’d never worked out well. Maybe this spontaneity was what she needed?
His hand slid down, and he circled her clit while his cock pistoned in and out of her. She threw her arms up over her head and let go. Nothing but pleasure burst through her body. She tingled all over, and little sparks of electricity shot through her hips, and up her back, then out through all her limbs. She shuddered, convulsing, as her pussy clamped down on his cock.
He groaned and thrust one last time. She moaned when his cock twitched inside her, and he filled her full of hot come.
She ran her hands through his hair as he sucked her nipple lightly through her shirt. She could tell he was in love with her.
Before she knew what had happened, his cock was hard again, and fucking her just as relentlessly.
“Dear God, I’ve never had that happen before.” He stared into her eyes. “Can’t stop fucking this pussy, it seems.” He grinned.
She pulled his hair, drawing him back up into a passionate kiss, and was once again on the verge herself. Jesus, she’d never had a man like this before. She clawed at his shoulders as she came on his cock for the second time in minutes.
He pushed deep into her one last time, her tight pussy gripping him, driving him over the edge. He moaned as he filled her up again. Feeling him explode inside her, she pushed down harder, desperate for every last drop. She came again—shivers running down her spine, while sparks danced behind her eyelids.
Regaining awareness of her surroundings, she realized his gaze was fixed on her, a smug grin on his lips. His body trembled a little, still supporting himself despite his exhaustion as he towered above her.
“How was that?” He waggled his eyebrows at her.
“That was the most irresponsible thing I’ve ever done in my life.” She smiled.
“Was that an actual joke?” His grin widened. He pointed down at freshly fucked Christina with her skirt still hiked around her waist, and then stared around as if there were a crowd. “Hear that, ladies and gents? Christina Smith made a joke here today.”
“Stop!” She smacked him in the chest, in a playful way.
“We shall have to memorialize the ground here.”
She shook her head at him and smiled.
He leaned back down for a kiss. “I like making bad decisions with you.”
As they kissed, she knew she was in the worst kind of trouble with Matty Spencer. It was all so sudden, all so fast—she barely knew this guy. But somehow, he was exactly what she needed. He was full of youthful energy, passionate, and spontaneous. They were complete opposites. He was the little spark she needed to embrace her feminine side. He was the motivation she needed to put up a fight, and the inspiration she needed to be herself. He was the primitive man that called her own cavewoman out to play. And she loved it.
It wasn't what she had ever truly imagined. It wasn't a childhood dream, or a carefully planned relationship. It was just what it was. And it worked.
Fuck the rules. Fuck order. They were meant to be.
Five Years Later
“I can’t believe he’s late.” Christina held her eight-month pregnant belly as she whispered down at the baby. “This is not acceptable for you and your brother.”
She half smiled. Christina couldn’t remember being late for anything in her life, other than the two times that’d required a pregnancy test.
“Mommy, look at all the pictures.”
“I know, sweetie. Aren’t they great?” She reached down and took their three-year-old son, Carter, by the hand, and led him to the middle of the showroom. “Daddy is very talented. And in trouble for not being here to meet all these nice people that came just for him.”
People walked around in tuxedos, and Christina felt huge in her designer dress. Anxiety ran through her body. She wasn’t equipped to entertain these people. Where was Matty? Was he in an accident? She’d checked her phone constantly for the past thirty minutes.
She and Carter made small talk with a few of Matty’s friends and relatives.
She stared down at her watch before her gaze shifted to her ring finger. Still nothing on it. They were about to have their second child, and still, Matty hadn’t asked her to marry him. It was okay. She knew he wasn’t wild about marriage, and that it may never happen, but she was happy. She could work whenever she wanted, or not work.
And her life was great.
Christina still couldn’t believe it was all real. Matty’s first exhibit, or showcase, or whatever they called it in the art world. Rich buyers and critics were everywhere, admiring his work. Some of them for big-time newspapers published around the world.
Matty was still nowhere to be seen.
Only he could pull off being late to this shit.
She was going to kill him.
“Mommy, look! It’s Papaw!”
Christina’s heart came alive. “What?”
She whipped around to the front entrance. Matty pushed her dad through the front door in a wheelchair.
Dad still looked weak, but his smile stretched from ear-to-ear.
Her hand shot over her mouth. Tears welled in her eyes.
She hadn’t seen him in a month. It was the longest stretch she’d gone without visiting her father in the past five years. After his last round of chemo, when Matty had bought the dream house, he’d gone back into remission. He’d beaten unbelievable odds time and time again for having pancreatic cancer. He was still weak, but they had nurses and the best medical care to look after him in Kentucky when they were home in the U.K.
She took Carter to see him once or twice a month and Matty went with them whenever he could. He seemed to like painting abstract versions of Lexington. Not to mention, he’d passed off the running of his father’s company to his brother, who was actually capable of finishing Mia.
“How?” Christina stood there, clutching her mouth, trembling.
Her dad wasn’t supposed to travel. He was too weak for the journey. But, he’d alway
s told Matty he wanted to be there when he sold his first work of art.
“Mommy, you okay? It just Papaw.” Carter took off running and jumped onto her father’s lap.
Matty walked over, grinning from ear-to-ear. He moved her hands from her face and wiped the tears from her eyes. “Don’t worry, love. He worked out hard for a few months, in secret, so he could make the trip over and surprise you. If you hate anyone, hate me for encouraging him.”
She shook her head. “I don’t hate you, I promise. This is—just—you know I’m pregnant, asshole.” Christina smacked his shoulder, playfully.
“Ahh, yes, full of all the hormones and whatnot.”
“I’m going to kill you.”
Matty laughed. “Well, before you do, hold that thought.”
He walked over, dressed in a pair of five-hundred-dollar jeans and a Rolling Stones tee-shirt, and grabbed a champagne flute and a fork off the refreshment table. He definitely looked the part of an artist.
Christina’s dad rolled himself over to her and winked.
She started to talk, and he held up a finger. “I believe that boy’s got something to say.”
Matty clanked the fork against the glass. “Everyone, gather around, please.”
“What are you doing?” Christina glared at Matty like he was out of his mind. “And who does that shit in real life?” She nodded at the glass he’d just clanked.
Matty smiled and set the flute and silverware aside. He walked over to her, slowly, but with purpose. His eyes narrowed, and his smile disappeared.
He turned to the crowd. “Thank you all for coming. Seriously, this is just—incredible. I’ll let you get back to enjoying my doodles momentarily.”
Snickers rang out at his joke.
“But, I have something that needs to be said. Christina is pregnant with our second child. This is her father. He’s here from Kentucky. See, what happened was, I’ve had a question I’ve wanted to ask Christina for a very long time.”
“Oh my God.” Her hand covered her mouth once more, and her head began to spin. The tears welled up again, and she blinked them away.
“Carter, bring it over?”
Carter walked over in his mini tux, grinning the same grin as Matty. He looked like his father’s twin, shrunk down to toddler size. He fished in the pocket of his too-big jacket and handed Matty a little blue box.
Matty smiled, clearly loving every second of torture he could inflict on Christina. She hated being the center of attention, but Matty reveled in it.
“I had to go all the way to Kentucky, ladies and gentlemen, to ask permission for what I’m about to do. And I couldn’t very well ask this question, without Christina’s father present. So, he’s been working out hard, in order to make the trip over.”
Oohs and ahhs rang out through the room when Matty opened the box and dropped down to one knee.
Christina felt like she might topple over, but she couldn’t stop smiling and crying as she stared down at the same eyes that owned her that day when she walked into his mansion that was in complete disarray.
Matty’s eyes fixated directly on her when he spoke, as if nobody else was in the room. “Y-you’re—shit.” He looked away.
Everyone in the room smiled as Matty choked up.
Christina let out a slight giggle. She’d never witnessed him at a loss for words like this. His face flushed with pink, and the hand holding the ring out to her trembled so hard she thought he might drop it.
“Excuse me. Sorry. Damn allergies.”
More laughs.
Matty’s eyes met Christina’s once more. “You’re everything.” He swallowed. “My beginning and my end. I’m not worthy of you, and I never will be. But, so long as I’m breathing and walking this planet, I will fight to be whatever you need me to be. Through anything. You’re my heart. You’re the mother of my children. You’re my best friend, and when I’m with you, everything else fades away, and you and I are all that exists. You make me the happiest man alive, and I don’t want the journey to end, ever. Christina Smith, will you marry me?”
Tears streamed down Christina’s cheeks. She nodded furiously. “Y-yes!”
The place erupted in cheers, and Matty slipped the five-carat Tiffany diamond solitaire on Christina’s finger. She stared at it, her eyes still blurred with tears, while Matty wiped them away.
“How? How does it fit?”
He leaned down to her ear. “I had them size it up until after the pregnancy, and then we’ll have it resized after the baby comes.” His hand landed on her belly.
“But, but, how did you even know to do that? I never mentioned my fingers being swollen.”
“I pay attention, love. I know everything about you. And I always will.”
They kissed, long and hard to the sounds of cheers and people shouting “congratulations!”
When they parted, she walked over and gave her father a hug. He shook Matty’s hand.
“Thanks for bringing me over here in style.”
“No problem, Sir. Couldn’t very well have you miss this.”
“This is some place. I’m proud of you, Son.”
“Thank you, Sir. I’ll leave you two to it then. Me and the boy have got to go work the room, don’t we, Carter?”
Carter nodded, and his face lit up with a smile.
Matty scooped him up and carried him around, pointing to paintings and talking to random people about his artwork
Christina had been worried when she first found out she was pregnant with Carter. She’d had no idea what type of father Matty would be.
Turned out, she didn’t need to worry about it at all. He loved that boy more than anything. He loved his whole family more than anything in the world.
So that was why he’d waited so long to ask.
Even five years after meeting, he could still surprise her every day.
“How long are you here for, Daddy?”
“Matty says as long as I want. It’s a little cold and rainy, but they fry up some good fish around here. They call the fries chips, though. You believe that shit?”
Christina snickered and hugged him once more. She’d always wanted her dad to visit, but he’d been so sick.
“How’s the house?”
“Great. A little lonely sometimes when you guys aren’t there, but I make do. There’s always a nurse or someone stopping by. I’ve been reading a lot, and guess what? I had a date last week.”
“What?” Christina made a show of asking the question, and her mouth dropped open, clearly teasing him.
“I know it. Been working out for this trip. Apparently, getting ripped is the secret to attracting women.”
“Jesus, Dad.”
He chuckled.
Christina shook her head at Matty, and her hand slid over her father’s thin fingers. It was the best day of her life, by far. “I can’t believe he was late for his first show.”
“Yeah, we got caught in some traffic.”
She shook her head again and turned back to her dad. “I guess he had a pretty good reason. I’ll let it slide this time.”
She bent down and hooked her arms around her dad’s neck and kissed him on the cheek. “I love you.”
“Ohh, I love you too, sweetie. I’m just glad that you’re happy. It’s all your mom and I ever wanted for you.”
Her hand cradled her stomach once more, and she smiled at Matty and Carter. “I am. I really am.”
Continue on for a sneak peek into other Alex Wolf books!
Professor’s Pet Sneak Peek
Chapter 1
Kristen flew out of bed.
What the hell happened?
Her brain was a dense fog for a moment before she realized instead of hitting the snooze button she’d turned the alarm off. She hopped on one foot and pulled her jeans on, then yanked a shirt over her head. She’d planned on getting up early and spending an hour in front of the mirror, fixing her hair and makeup for class. Staying out until one in the
morning drinking hadn’t been the wisest decision the night before.
A few of the girls she’d met during orientation convinced her it was a good idea. She didn’t want to be known as the square, studious girl who lived her life in the library. She had to make a good first impression and turning potential friends down on the first day wouldn’t be the best way to start off.
One drink soon turned into ten. They’d promised Kristen they’d only be out for an hour or so, and before long it had morphed into an all-nighter. By the time she’d crawled into bed, she was seeing double and the ceiling danced around her head.
“Fuck me.”
She scolded herself in the mirror, grabbed her hair, and yanked it into a loose bun. Her hands were a blur as she lined her eyes and dabbed on some shadow, hoping it would disguise the hangover. When she bent over to tie her shoes, nausea slammed into her stomach, and her heart beat on her temples. It was going to be a rough first day.
Normally, she’d have chosen to pair her jeans with boots or sandals, but given her predicament, she didn’t have much time to think, let alone select a good outfit. She also wasn’t certain she had everything in her backpack, but it’d have to do. She sprinted out the door of her dorm room and into the hall.
Of course, if she’d been on time, there would’ve been far more students in the halls, but since she was already half an hour late, the building looked like a ghost town.
“Shit. Shit. Shit.” She mumbled her words as she dashed down the stairs and ran across the lawn. Each step was like someone pounding her skull with a sledgehammer. Crowds of other students hung in small packs, and some of them stopped and stared as she flashed past them. Others ignored her completely.
Kristen wasn’t in the mood to talk anyway, nor did she really give a shit what they thought about her. She’d made a mistake the night before. She quickly realized she didn’t want to be popular. She came to get her degree, and that was what she was going to do.
I’m never drinking again.