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Player in a Suit Page 21

  Her eyes closed on instinct, and fireworks went off behind her eyelids, as she came multiple times in waves, all from the tension that’d built from the previous night.

  When her eyes opened, he still watched her, his face still hardened steel.

  She pulled her hand from her panties, still coated in her pussy. She placed her palm on his cheek and smiled. “Too bad for you.” She made a show of slightly wiping her wetness down his cheek as her fingers trailed over his jaw.

  Then she stood from the bed, put her clothes on, and walked right out the front door.

  She practically ran down the block and called a cab. She fought back the tears until after she’d paid the cabbie at the dorm, and once he was out of sight, she burst into tears.

  How could he do this to her? Make her feel this way? He was the biggest asshole she’d ever met in her life. Why would he come to her rescue, let her suck his fucking cock and swallow every last drop, take her home, and then just discard her like a piece of garbage?

  She sprinted to her dorm room, hoping Stef wasn’t there. She just wanted to crawl under her covers and hide for the day.

  “You were out late last night.” Stefani yawned as Kristen walked into the room.

  So much for wallowing in shame all alone.

  Stef was in her pajamas eating cereal. “Hangover?”

  Kristen shook her head and did everything she could to hold it together.

  “Are you okay? You look like you’ve been crying.”

  “I’m fine.” Kristen stripped down and put on some pajamas and crawled into bed.

  “Did he hurt you? I’ll cut his dick off. What’d Jordan do?”

  Kristen’s eyes widened, and then she pulled the covers up over her. “Not Jordan.”

  “What?” Stefani looked up at the ceiling, pondering the situation. “Wiseman?”

  “I don’t really want to talk about it.”

  Stefani nodded. “Okay. Well, if you need anything—” She went back to her cereal, but kept glancing over at Kristen, as if she were checking on her.

  At least she had one good friend.

  Her head started to pound, and waves of nausea washed over her with each breath she took. Maybe she’d drank more than she thought. The light creeping between the curtains was almost blinding.

  “What happened with Jordan?”

  “He ended up hooking up with some other chick.” She put her hand to her head as she spoke, hoping her story sounded as believable to Stef as it did in her mind.

  Stef got dressed and stared at Kristen. “Okay, well I’m gonna head to class.”

  “Have a good day,” Kristen mumbled. The sound of the door closing rang in her ears, and she shook her head. It was going to be a long fucking day, but she had to make it to class. Her grades were still suffering, and she couldn’t afford a day of doing nothing. Rolling over, she grabbed her phone, suddenly realizing she hadn’t yet looked at it.

  Her heart sank.

  She thought he’d at least call or text and say he was sorry. Say something.

  Fuck him!

  She didn’t know what she was hoping for.

  There was a text from Jordan, asking her where she’d gone, then there was another that asked if she’d made it home, then there was another that was rather flippant, telling her she was free to go off and do her own thing if she was going to ignore him. Kristen rolled her eyes. He’d been the one who’d ignored her first, grinding with that other girl at the bar while she was trying to get a drink of water.

  If he was a true gentleman, he should’ve been taking care of her, making sure she was comfortable. He should’ve been the one getting the water for her, and she wouldn’t have been yanked out of the bar by Professor Tease.

  Fuck, and she had his class today too.


  “Fuck!” Kristen shouted as she sprang upright in bed. There was a quiz today.

  She should’ve been studying for it last night instead of going out. She’d worked on it with the professor, but she’d been so busy staring at him and flirting. She could pass it. She’d been paying attention in class. She knew most of the material.

  But she didn’t know how she’d ever be able to concentrate with him in the room, knowing she’d sucked him off in an alley and then came on his bed right in front of his face. How would she ever be able to take it?

  And what if she passed? Would it be on her own merits? Or would it be out of pity? She already didn’t know if she was good enough for him. Now she wouldn’t even know if she was good enough to be a journalist. There was no way he could be objective grading her assignments.

  She tried to clear her thoughts and just figure out a plan. There was nothing that could be done. He didn’t want her, and she had to accept that. And she had to go take the quiz, so that’s what she would do.

  Kristen scrambled through the room, doing her best to keep from vomiting in the bathroom as she hurriedly jumped into a pair of jeans and pulled on her shoes.

  Then she had a brilliant idea. Maybe she wasn’t done punishing that asshole. Not yet, anyway.

  She took off her clothes and found a nice little skirt outfit to wear. She didn’t bother with panties or a bra.

  Who needs them?

  She snickered at herself in the reflection.

  Kristen kept her head down through campus as she hurried to class, certain that her eyes were bloodshot.

  When she reached the classroom, she ducked inside, heading right for the front. Her eyes locked onto her professor as she chose the seat right in front of him.

  Grant looked up from his work, and his eyes quickly darted right back down to the papers in front of him.

  Kristen set her things down and pulled out her notebook. She sat down in the chair, leaned back a little, and spread her legs wide right where it would be the only thing he’d see the entire lecture.

  “Don’t forget there’s a test next week. You’re dismissed.”

  The students poured out of their tables and made their way to the exit.

  Grant refused to look at Kristen the entire class period, though it’d been exceedingly difficult, just like her. He couldn’t help but want to punish her. It wasn’t like he could go to the dean and have her removed from his class. What would he say?

  Hey, there’s a girl in my class flashing her pussy left and right. Oh yeah, she sucked my cock too, but could you be sure and punish her?

  He had other types of punishment in mind he’d rather enjoy implementing, but it would only make the situation worse.

  She sat there, refusing to move. His eyes finally shifted over to her face.

  “Miss Monroe, did you hear me? Class is dismissed.” He gestured toward the door with a head nod.

  She didn’t move. Didn’t budge an inch. Just sat there with an amused smile on her face. He could practically feel his blood pressure rising. His collar grew tight against his neck, nearly strangling him, but he refused to adjust his tie. She wouldn’t get the satisfaction of knowing how much she affected him anymore.

  Grant needed her gone, though. All his inhibitions seem to go poof and vanish any time she was in the room. Now it was even worse. There was something about the thrill of being caught that amplified his need a thousand times higher. If she only knew how close he’d come to fucking her in bed this morning. He’d almost grabbed her the second her hand had slid down into her panties. The sounds she made as she came in front of him played back through his mind. Everything, including the scent she’d left on his face, that he could still smell because he’d refused to rinse it off.

  She stared back at him in defiance, but her demeanor had changed since this morning. He knew she’d be pissed, and he expected her to feel like that for a while. But now she looked calm and collected, devious even—like she wanted to make his life a living hell.

  He glanced down at his papers. There was no way he could give in to his want. Grant knew that. Every cell in his brain screamed it at him. At the same time, every inch of his cock told him
to fuck this attitude right out of her. His brain won the battle, for the moment.

  He shuffled a few things around and paid no attention to her. If he ignored her, maybe she would lose interest. It was a pipe dream, but it might buy him some time to think.

  After about thirty seconds, which seemed to last hours, she gathered her things together and stood.

  Thank God.

  She walked up to his desk. His eyes remained locked on the papers in front of him, but he was definitely aware of every single movement she made. His heart kicked into overdrive, and nerves fired straight down into his cock the closer she came to him. Breathing became nearly impossible when she was a few feet away.

  She set her quiz down on top of the papers he was still fiddling with.

  “My quiz.”


  She lingered.

  Shit. Say something.

  “You’re welcome, sir.”

  Still lingering.

  “Is there anything else?”

  “We both know the answer to that.”

  “You need to leave, Miss Monroe. I have to be going.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  He glanced up at her. She shook her head back and forth, slowly and with purpose. She bit her lip, and he thought his dick might burst out of his zipper. Every muscle in his body tightened.

  He stared at her, hard. “Time to go.”

  “I know you want me. You’re not fooling anyone.”

  “If I wanted you, you’d already be bent over this fucking desk.”

  Her thighs clenched, and she bit down even harder on her lip. She turned and made a show of bending over at the table, swaying her ass back and forth while she set her things down.

  “What do you think you’re doing?”

  She said nothing.

  He gulped right as she turned around. Kristen walked around his desk, back to where he was standing. Blood rushed into his face, and he could feel the tension in the room saturating his body, coursing through his limbs.

  He couldn’t do what he wanted to do. He had to keep his shit together.

  She kneeled in front of him, on her knees, and opened her mouth again.

  Fuck, what was she doing to him?

  He glared. She knew exactly what she was doing, and he had to get out of there. His brain screamed at him to pack up his shit and go, but he couldn’t. He glanced to the door. It was closed.

  “You can fuck my mouth again, sir.” She held out her tongue. “You can have anything, you, want.” She added emphasis to each syllable.

  He took a step so he was right in front of her. She eyed his rock-hard dick through his slacks and licked her lips.

  It was all wrong, and yet so right. He’d already gone too far with her. If he was going to go down for something, he might as well get everything he could before it happened.

  He leaned over so they were face-to-face and gripped the back of her hair.

  “Oh my God.” Her eyes fluttered closed, and she let out a gasp.

  He hovered around toward her ear. “I’m going to punish you for doing this. Do you understand, Miss Monroe?”

  She nodded.

  He pulled his chair over to him and sat down in front of her while she remained on her knees. Grant hauled her up by the shoulders and tossed her over his knee. She squealed in anticipation and quickly covered her mouth at the sudden sound she’d made.

  “When little sluts behave like little sluts, their poor behavior needs to be corrected.” His voice was calm and collected. “Do you understand?”

  “What the fuck are you doing?” She squirmed against his hold, but they both knew it was all an act.

  He loved the way she made him work for it. He dug his fingers into her ribs, hard enough to leave bruises, and held her still. Her legs flailed while his palm slid down her back and over her ass. He massaged her cheek in his hand, and his cock jammed into her stomach.

  She shook and tried to turn, but there was no way she was going anywhere.

  “You’re only going to make things worse for yourself.”

  “Fuck you.” She growled the words at him, with a shit-eating grin plastered to her face. “You’re not my dad. I’m a grown woman. You can’t spank me like I’m a child.”

  “The fuck I can’t. Sit still.” He yanked her skirt up over her ass and gripped her by the hair.

  Her eyes rolled back into her head as his knuckles dug into her scalp.


  “Count them.”


  He pulled on her hair to angle her face to his. “I can sit here and turn this ass pink all fucking day.”

  “You’re never going to get away with this.”

  Jesus. Her words got him going in ways she’d probably never realize.

  He faked a laugh at her. “We’ll see about that. Won’t we?”


  A light moan parted her lips, and at the end of it she muttered, “One.”

  “That’s a good girl.”

  He massaged her firm ass in his hand and imagined ramming his hips into it as he fucked her so hard she couldn’t walk the next day.

  She mumbled something, half of it gibberish.

  “Did you say something?”

  “I said I can feel your hard cock on my stomach, you pervert.”


  His hand left her hair and gripped her face, forcing her mouth into a wide O. “Don’t act like you don’t love every second of that dick.”

  “Ugh. Can you just get this over with?”

  “You forgot to count. Let’s start over.”

  She shook her head, begging. “No, no, wait. I take it back.”

  “No exceptions, Miss Monroe. Count.”

  “You’re such an asshole.”

  He gripped her ass once more and slid a finger between her cheeks, teasing the edge of the tight rim of her ass.

  Her whole body tightened under his hold.

  “That belongs to me as well.” He leaned down in her ear. “Have you ever been fucked in your ass, Miss Monroe?”

  “Oh my God.”

  He got her to break character, and his body came even more alive than it’d been before. “Have you?”

  “N-no.” She shook her head back and forth.

  “We’ll have to remedy that, if you don’t shut up and count.”

  “Shit.” The word lingered from her lips.

  His hand slid down to her pussy, and he ran his fingers through her slick folds. “Already wet—”

  The door at the back of the class squeaked.

  “What the fu—” Grant yanked Kristen’s skirt down and stood her up.

  They both straightened their clothes as fast as possible, and Kristen ran over to the table.

  “Professor? Anyone here?” The voice echoed through the room, even though the door hadn’t fully opened.

  Grant glanced that direction, and he wheeled his chair a few feet back to his desk.

  “Yeah, come in.” He willed his cock to go back to normal.

  Kristen finger-combed her hair, and then her hands fell to her sides. She switched her demeanor to an obviously fake but pleasant smile.

  “Do you need something?” His heart raced.

  Bailey Ferguson walked into the classroom. “Just forgot my tablet. Can I grab it?”


  Bailey pranced in, practically bouncing. She looked over at Kristen. “Hey, how’s it going?”


  Kristen wasn’t rude, but Grant could hear the slight irritation in her voice.

  Bailey stared back and forth at them for a second.


  She grabbed her tablet and stared at Kristen. “Aren’t you in my next class? It starts in a few minutes.”

  Grant prayed Kristen would stay composed. She was unpredictable sometimes.

  “Yeah, I was just asking Professor Wiseman for some tips on the upcoming test. I’m majoring in journalism, not college algebra.” Kristen used
a tone that wasn’t what Grant would call friendly.

  He had to keep this thing looking organic, like he’d actually been helping Kristen with her work. “As I was saying, remember when it’s appropriate to use colons and semi colons, and the oxford comma is welcome here. You’ll be just fine.” He looked back down at the papers on his desk.

  Baily shook her head and walked out of the room, leaving Kristen and him alone.

  “You should get to your next class.”



  Kristen grabbed her stuff, huffed, and turned to walk out the door.

  “Talk to you soon, sir.” Kristen flashed him a flirtatious grin.

  “Study hard.”

  I’ll just sit here, hard. Jesus.

  What the fuck was he doing? This was getting way out of control. He couldn’t bring himself to look up at her as she walked out the room.

  Her footsteps echoed down the long hall outside the door until they disappeared.

  Grant fell back in his chair and stared down at his cock.

  I hate you.

  “What were you doing with Professor Wiseman after class?” Stefani asked the question the second Kristen walked in the door.

  Kristen looked up at her in surprise. It was unusual for Stefani to be home this early, and even after recent events, it was still unusual for Stefani to question her about the things she’d done that day.

  Normally, they would ask how their classes went, then they’d move on as though the other didn’t exist, outside of the normal social conventions.

  “Asking him for advice on homework.” Kristen did her best to keep a neutral face. If there was one thing she’d learned in life, it was that she didn’t have to share everything, even if she did break down that one time and spill how she felt to Stef.

  “Bailey Ferguson told everyone she walked in on you two. It looked like you threw your clothes back on and his desk was a pile of messy papers.”

  “She doesn’t know what she’s talking about,” Kristen scoffed.

  “If I heard about it, you know she’s told a lot more people. Just letting you know.” Stefani’s voice was flat, and there was something about it that sent a chill racing up Kristen’s spine.